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To give the prestige the teachers deserve and to inspire other colleagues, we acknowledge their work on a global level and we highlight the crucial nature of their role for the development of any society. 


We also celebrated those students who long and work for transforming the world they live in. 

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The Global Teacher Prize, carried out in collaboration with UNESCO, is an annual prize of a million dollars that is awarded to an outstanding and  commited teacher that has had an inspiring impact on his/her school and community.  By making thousands of stories of daily heroes that transform young people´s lives known, this prize has the aim of acknowledging the outstanding work of millions of teachers all over the world. 

Every year, the 50 top finalists of the prize are celebrated and recorgnised in their countries. They, as education ambassadors, constitute a network known as Global Teacher Prize Ambassadors.


Sister Zeph from Pakistan,
winner of the Global Teacher Prize 2023


Award with  Emmanuel Macron, President of France


Pakistani professor Sister Zeph, who founded her own school for underprivileged children in her courtyard of her home at just 13, has been named the winner of the Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize 2023, organised in collaboration with UNESCO and in strategic partnership with Dubai Cares, a global philanthropic organization based in the United Arab Emirates.


Global Teacher Prize Finalists 2023

Meet the teachers from Latin America who reached the final.


Bruno Guillén,
Argentine finalist 2023

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The Global Student Prize highlights globally the efforts of students who are making a real impact on learning, the lives of their peers and on society beyond. This prize gives  100.000 dollars to the winning student.

This year, among the top 50 finalists, students from Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Dominican Republic and Mexico were selected from the Latin American region and the Caribbean. They were chosen from nearly 4000 students from 122 countries around the world.

Finalists 2023

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Victoria Rojas, the Argentine student who reached the global top 10 mundial

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+ than 30% of the media placed education on the agenda

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A national campaign, led by the Varkey Foundation and MDZ, seeks to raise awareness on the importance of the teaching task  with real-life stories and faces, so that the entire society recognises the important work that educators do and supports them in this  crucial mission.  


Acknowledge our teachers 

In the largest cities as well as in the most remote areas, thousands of teachers transform the lives of more than 12 millions of Argentine students that attend their schools to develop an extraordinary action: learning.

With their tireless dedication, commitment, and expertise, each teacher realises what each student is capable of being in a  quiet feat that will shape his/her own destiny and the one of the community this student will forge his/her future in.  

But those great teachers, that we will remember forever, not always get their truly deserved acknowledgement.  

This is the reason why a national campaign, led by the Varkey Fundation and MDZol, seeks to raise awareness on the importance of  the teaching task  with real-life stories and faces.

The aim of the iniative is that the entire society knows about the important work that educators do and supports them in this crucial mission. 


Teachers´faces that were in the streets of Argentina



An initiative in which celebrities  highlight teachers and professors.

Prizes we support

The acknowledgement of the Global Teacher Prize has inspired countries  all over the world to establish their national prizes to find and honour the most outstanding teachers. Today, we support over 40 National Teacher Prizes (NTP). In Latin America there are national prizes in the following countries: 


Premio Educador Nota 10 ,



Premio Docentes Extraordinarios,



Premio ReachingU,



Curso Nacional e Iberoamericano de Excelencia Educativa,



Global Teacher Prize Chile,


This year we have the opportunity to support a variety of education prizes in Argentina. From the creation, the technical and pedagogical advisory and the assessment stage. To celebrate teaching work, through the actors in the community and their good practices, encourages and challenges us. We appreciate those who the gave us the opportunity and the trust to do so:

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